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GB Hawking are a falconry pest control business run by Gary and Ben Bartlett. The business specialises in controlling  problem birds such as pigeons and gulls whose presence bring noise as well as health risks from their unsightly droppings potentially spreading diseases such as E.Coli, psittacosis and salmonella as well as causing damage to buildings, walkways, water courses and vehicle paintwork. 
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We are based in Kent and cover London and the South East using Harris hawks as an effective way to reduce the number of feeding, roosting and breeding pest birds from a site. We use Harris hawks as they are extremely intelligent, quick to learn and loyal. In captivity, Harris hawks can live at least 30 years and so falconers can build up very close bonds with their birds. 





The method works particularly well outside on large sites where netting or spiking is impractical although birds can also be flown inside where it is equally as effective.

We have experience of working on a range of sites such as shopping centres, household waste sites, car parks, stately homes, industrial units building sites and even film sets. 

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Done regularly, hawking is successful as the pest species see the hawk as a predator and will naturally avoid areas inhabited by them.

Their presence alone is enough to deter them, making it an eco friendly and natural method of pest control. 

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